
2000年 《中国油画》人体研修班  天津
2001年 入选《美术大观》(第9期)画家与画栏目
2003年 作品《磨刀人》获辽宁省美展银奖
2004年 作品《大出殡》入选全国第十届美术作品展辽宁展区,并获优秀作品奖
2005年 第九届上海艺术博览会
2006年 第十届上海艺术博览会
2007年 杭州艺术博览会上海油画名家展  杭州
2008年5月 欧美同学会援建四川希望学校义卖  上海2008年6月 东方红艺术工作室《图象的切换》--三人联展  上海2008年6月 参加熏依社画廊无国界文化共同体主办6.29慈善义卖  上海
2008年8月 之昂画廊 香格里拉  个展  北京798
2008年8月 尚尊画廊 个展  上海
2009年4月 山水传画廊  幻·像  个展  上海
2009年6月 知己画廊  联展  上海
2010年5月 上海春季艺术沙龙  上海

地址:上海莫干山路50号4C-109 李玉宝工作室
个人网址:www.yubaohualang.com    liyubao.trueart.com

Li Yubao
Professional painter,Associate Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor in Shanghai Institute of Visual Art
Visiting Associate Professor in Suzhou Art & Design Technology Institute
Graduated from the Department of Art, Liaoning Educational Institute, a member of the Liaoning province branch of Chinese Artist Association.

Publications and Activities:
A member of the ‘China Oil Painting’ Body Research Class, 2000
Elected by the 9th volume of ‘Artists and Paintings Column’ in ‘Grand Sight of Paintings’, 2001
Won the silver award in the Arts Exhibition in Liaoning province with the work ‘Knife Milling Person’, 2003
Elected by the Liaoning province area in the 10th National Painting Work Exhibition, and won the Excellent Work Award, 2004
Attended the Arts Exposition in Shanghai, 2005
Attended the Arts Exposition in Shanghai, 2006
Attended the Arts Exposition in Hangzhou 2007
Li Yubao solo exhibition,Jang Art Gallery(Korea),2008
Attended the charity bazaar to build Hope Schools in Sichuan by Western Returned Scholars Association in Shanghai,May,2008
Attended the charity bazaar “One Love One Heart ”in Shun Art Gallery,2008
Personal exhibition at Shang zun Gallery in Shanghai,Aug,2008
Exhibition at Confidant Gallery,Jun,2009
Shanghai Spring Art Salon,2010
Won the Excellent Work Award in Fine Art Exhibition of Lujiazui Cup to celebrate 90 anniversary of the CPC founding in Yangtze River Delta region,2011

Web:liyubao.trueart.com                          www.yubaohualang.com
E-mail: liyubao999@126.com
Address:Room 4C109,No.50,Moganshan Road,Shanghai
Postcode: 200061



2000年 《中国油画》人体研修班  天津
2001年 入选《美术大观》(第9期)画家与画栏目
2003年 作品《磨刀人》获辽宁省美展银奖
2004年 作品《大出殡》入选全国第十届美术作品展辽宁展区,并获优秀作品奖
2005年 第九届上海艺术博览会
2006年 第十届上海艺术博览会
2007年 杭州艺术博览会上海油画名家展  杭州
2008年5月 欧美同学会援建四川希望学校义卖  上海2008年6月 东方红艺术工作室《图象的切换》--三人联展  上海2008年6月 参加熏依社画廊无国界文化共同体主办6.29慈善义卖  上海
2008年8月 之昂画廊 香格里拉  个展  北京798
2008年8月 尚尊画廊 个展  上海
2009年4月 山水传画廊  幻·像  个展  上海
2009年6月 知己画廊  联展  上海
2010年5月 上海春季艺术沙龙  上海

地址:上海莫干山路50号4C-109 李玉宝工作室
个人网址:www.yubaohualang.com    liyubao.trueart.com

Li Yubao
Professional painter,Associate Professor
Adjunct Associate Professor in Shanghai Institute of Visual Art
Visiting Associate Professor in Suzhou Art & Design Technology Institute
Graduated from the Department of Art, Liaoning Educational Institute, a member of the Liaoning province branch of Chinese Artist Association.

Publications and Activities:
A member of the ‘China Oil Painting’ Body Research Class, 2000
Elected by the 9th volume of ‘Artists and Paintings Column’ in ‘Grand Sight of Paintings’, 2001
Won the silver award in the Arts Exhibition in Liaoning province with the work ‘Knife Milling Person’, 2003
Elected by the Liaoning province area in the 10th National Painting Work Exhibition, and won the Excellent Work Award, 2004
Attended the Arts Exposition in Shanghai, 2005
Attended the Arts Exposition in Shanghai, 2006
Attended the Arts Exposition in Hangzhou 2007
Li Yubao solo exhibition,Jang Art Gallery(Korea),2008
Attended the charity bazaar to build Hope Schools in Sichuan by Western Returned Scholars Association in Shanghai,May,2008
Attended the charity bazaar “One Love One Heart ”in Shun Art Gallery,2008
Personal exhibition at Shang zun Gallery in Shanghai,Aug,2008
Exhibition at Confidant Gallery,Jun,2009
Shanghai Spring Art Salon,2010
Won the Excellent Work Award in Fine Art Exhibition of Lujiazui Cup to celebrate 90 anniversary of the CPC founding in Yangtze River Delta region,2011

Web:liyubao.trueart.com                          www.yubaohualang.com
E-mail: liyubao999@126.com
Address:Room 4C109,No.50,Moganshan Road,Shanghai
Postcode: 200061


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